Thursday, May 22, 2008

First thing that hits your mind!

This is tag flicked from rayshma! As per the tag,you have to write the first thing that comes to your mind when you read first two words! Will be as honest as i can:
I AM: unsual package - appearance is tad deceptive
I WANT: to be good at whatever i do
I HAVE: Ashu and Advika - most priceless posessions
I WISH: to be like tinker bell
I HATE: sitting idle
I FEAR: road accidents
I SEARCH: for peace
I WONDER: why ashu reads so many sci-fic
I REGRET: not working out earlier in my life
I LOVE: Life,want to make the most of it
I ALWAYS: like to talk to friends and listen to them too
I AM NOT: hypocrite
I DANCE: to almost anything
I SING: any song *tho i hardly remember any*
I CRY: when i see kids on the street
I WRITE: when i have to express myself
I WON: a rare coin from ashu's granny!
I AM CONFUSED: by politics/politicians *it mindf*&ks* me*
I NEED: Mom,Dad,Bhai,Ashu,Advika,Reshma,Mridula,KJ,VD,MV! *very vital to me*
I SHOULD: Start early in morning,go for walk and start reading last month's book collection
THE LAST THOUGHT I GO TO SLEEP WITH IS: when will i join salsa classes with ashu

Tag is passed to ashu,mrids and viks


Travel Foodie said...

hi friend….
nice & attractive blog…
keep going…
Visit my blog and show your presence on my blog…
my blog :- :grin: :) :yes: :lol: :thumbsup:

rayshma said...

BIG muah!
for writing when i wasn't online.

rayshma said...

hello?! tagged u. again. now u have two tags pending! :)

rayshma said...

tinker bell was evil. so are u. and u both are fairies! *not ferries* :D hahhahaa... :D
u sing also almost any song. how can u not r'ber?! i can never forget! :D